
The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Nexsure Version Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
  1.93 Employees Signature An employee's digital signature can be made inactive.
F482 1.93 Employee Signatures Added the ability for administrators to add employee signatures.
F850 / F2441 1.93 Doc Mgmt Templates Ability to use electronic signatures on office integration documents (including Excel documents), so that signatures can be set up within a Microsoft® Word template and a merge will be automatic.
F928 1.93 Policies Signatures Add the ability to include signature on ACORD 125 base forms.
F3402 1.94 Signature Security Expand signature security and access - authorizations tab at employee file, user rights templates, lookup restriction, etc. (Part 1)
F3402 1.94 Signature Security Expand signature security and access - authorizations tab at employee file, user rights templates, lookup restriction, etc. (Part 2)